[originaltext]W: How about the dessert ordered? I’ve been waiting for a quarter

游客2024-02-17  7

W: How about the dessert ordered? I’ve been waiting for a quarter already.
M: I’m very sorry, miss. I’ll be back with it in a minute.
Q: Who is the woman most probably speaking to?

选项 A、A shop assistant.
B、A telephone operator.
C、A waiter.
D、A postal clerk.

答案 C

解析 关键词food ordered(点的食物)和waiting for 20 minutes,据此推断场景必然在餐馆。女士问等了20分钟怎么点的菜还没上来,对方回答“I’ll be back with your order in a minute.”(我马上就把您的菜上来),可见说话的是个服务员。