Women are quite often competent drivers, but they are very seldom consistent

游客2024-02-17  6

问题     Women are quite often competent drivers, but they are very seldom consistently first-class. At best they are a mild hazard, at worse potentially fatal. This deficiency has nothing to do with their lack of ability to cope with the mechanical complexities of the vehicle, it is due to an inherent characteristic which, on certain other circumstances, may be highly desirable, but which, behind the wheel, is deadly. It is their desire for talking. Women together in a car yield to this need and when they talk they look into each other’s faces. Simple words are insufficient. It is necessary for them to see the expression which partners the words and so mad the meaning the words left unsaid. When talking instead of listening, they look to estimate the reaction their words have had. Thus two women in front of a car repeatedly distract each other’s attention from the road and four represent an incredible danger because the one nominally (名义上地) driving the car, feels it necessary not only to see and hear what her companion is talking about but also, such is her nature, what those in the back are discussing in case it is anything into which she can bring in an added opinion, or in the hope of collecting fresh fuel to feed other fires on later occasions.
    Quite apart from this factor, which means that the mad ahead is often an unknown quantity, women seldom use the driving mirror except for cosmetic purposes, after which its position gives the driver little indication of the state of the road behind.
    A final important factor that seems to lie at the back of female attitudes to driving is that comparatively few women have the feel for a machine that so many men have; the satisfaction of a slick (熟练的,巧妙的) change-down means nothing to them. The coordination between the various motivations, an operation which gives many men a boost of pride, is only a momentary lapse (丧失) in their concentration on the topic in hand. [br] What does the author say about two women in the front of a car?

选项 A、They distract other drivers.
B、They always repeat what they are saying.
C、They are both nominal drivers.
D、Their attention is on each other.

答案 D

解析 第一段这部分“Simple words are insufficient. It is necessary for them to see the expression which partners the words and so read the meaning the words left unsaid. When talking instead of listening, they look to estimate the reaction their words have had.”提到两个女人在车的前部谈话总是在判断自己的话对对方产生的反应,这样不断地分散她们对道路的注意力,也就是她们的注意力都在对方身上。