[originaltext]W: Do you know anyone who can translate this document?M: What ab

游客2024-02-16  6

W: Do you know anyone who can translate this document?
M: What about the new secretary? I heard he’s bilingual.
Q: What does the man mean?
W: Did you hear the weather report for today?
W: The pollution’s going to be so had they recommend staying indoors.
Q: What are speakers discussing?

选项 A、The weather yesterday.
B、A polluted river.
C、Hotel accommodations.
D、The quality of the air.

答案 D

解析 根据W1提的问题即可立刻判断出所谈论的话题是今天的天气,符合这一点的只有选项D。在W2的回答中,“pollution”是指“污染”,从而可以进一步判断出她们是在谈论空气质量。