[originaltext]W: Hey,Tom,what’s that you’re reading?M: It’s letter from a fact

游客2024-02-16  3

W: Hey,Tom,what’s that you’re reading?
M: It’s letter from a factory where I applied for a job.They’re offering me a job after I graduate.
Q: What do we learn about Tom?

选项 A、He enjoys reading letters.
B、He has been job-hunting.
C、He is offering a job.
D、He is working for a factory.

答案 B

解析 女士问男士在看什么,男士说在看之前他申请过的一家工厂给他的来信,工厂将在他毕业后录用他。B“他这段时间在找工作”符合原意,故选B。