By saying "no document is safe any more", the author probably means ______. [br]

游客2024-02-16  6

问题 By saying "no document is safe any more", the author probably means ______. [br] According to Dr. Chiu, what makes it possible to track down any paper work is to ______.

选项 A、make all the imperfections of machines deliberate
B、find out the guilty creator of the counterfeit document
C、allow more imperfectly designed printers to be sold
D、mark all the printers in a special and secret way

答案 D

解析 由题干中的According to Dr. Chiu,what makes it possible to track down any paper work定位到原文第四段第二句... Dr. Chiu is now working out ways to make those imperfections deliberate.[精析] 推理判断题[考频:66]。原文第四段末句说,他想对印刷过程进行调整,以便独一无二的、肉眼看不见的标记可以被植入每一台机器中,这会使得任何文件都能够被追踪。由此可以推知,让任何文件都能被追踪的方式是以特殊和秘密的方式在打印机上做出标记。D)与之相符,故为正确答案。[避错] 原文虽提及“Chiu博士现在正在寻求故意制造这些瑕疵的方式”,但是A)“故意制造所有的缺陷”范围扩大化了,且原文说的是寻找,而非去制造,排除;B)“找出虚假文件的造假者”在原文没有提及,排除;C)“允许更多的存在设计缺陷的印刷机出售”错误,原文的关键是怎样去定位和标识这些缺陷,如果不能标识,出售再多也不能达到目的,故排除。