[originaltext]W: A great day, isn’t it?M: I guess so. But I feel awful because

游客2024-02-15  7

W: A great day, isn’t it?
M: I guess so. But I feel awful because I watched TV until after midnight last night.
W: After midnight! Did you watch so late because you were bored? I usually watch TV only ff I have nothing better to do.
M: Bored? No,  I was upset because I left my meal tickets in the cafeteria.
W: That worth more than fifty dollars. So, did watching TV make you feel better?
M: A bit. But after I turned the TV off, I just felt disgusted with myself for wasting so much time.
W: I’ve had that feeling before.
M: I had intended to watch just one program, but somehow I couldn’t make myself switch off the TV.
W: Actually, I’ve read that there’s a scientific explanation for that. It seems that there’s a part of the brain that processes complex information, but that part becomes less active while watching TV.
M: That’s certainly how I felt last night--like my brain wasn’t very active.
W: That’s not the worst of it. If you watch TV a lot, or for a long time, that part of the brain--the part that processes complex information, shows lowered activity and you become more and more passive.
M: That’s incredible.
W: Next time you feel upset, you should go swimming. That’s what I do, and it always makes me feel better.
M: I suppose. Now I’ve got to go to the cafeteria and get some more meal tickets.

选项 A、Because he lost fifty dollars.
B、Because he wasted his time.
C、Because his brain wasn’t very active.
D、Because he watched just one program.

答案 B

解析 [听力原文]
Why did the man feel disgusted with himself?
通过选项可知本题询问原因。本题关键句为“I just felt disgusted with myself for wasting so much time”。他因为浪费了这么多时间而厌恶自己。故正确答案为B)。