A systematic approach to the job hunt and a career change involves knowing w

游客2024-02-14  1

问题     A systematic approach to the job hunt and a career change involves knowing what skills you enjoy using, determining 【C1】______ you want to use those skills, 【C2】______ finding the person who has the power to take 【C3】______ you. Pre-requisite (先决条件) to the job search is 【C4】______ yourself. Knowing yourself better will 【C5】______ you to select a career path that 【C6】______ your interests, abilities and skills. In today’s world, you must accept responsibility 【C7】______ who you are and where you are going, as well 【C8】______ how you are going to get there. To be successful, your career must be 【C9】______ a high-priority, do-it-yourself project.
    As we contemplate 【C10】______ choices in life, we need to be conscious 【C11】______ what is important to us person- ally. 【C12】______ need to be aware of our values, attitudes, and beliefs that 【C13】______ such choices. Many are consciously held concerns, 【C14】______ others are unconsciously. Values are the principles, standards, or qualities considered 【C15】______ or desirable that provide a basis for goals, 【C16】______ giving continuity to decisions. Values provide a base for decisions about 【C17】______ to live because they serve as 【C18】______ to future actions and as standards or criteria by 【C19】______ our actions can be directed. Attitudes and beliefs that qualify as values are prized, publicly affirmed (肯定), chosen from alternatives, and acted on repeatedly and consistently. Values are not right or 【C20】______ , or true or false -- they are profound preferences. [br] 【C3】

选项 A、off

答案 B

解析 此处要求填表示“聘用”之意的词组,只有take on表示此意,而take off表示“脱下”;take over表示“接管”;take in表示“收留”。