[originaltext]W:Look at that sky! I can’t believe I forgot my umbrella again!M

游客2024-02-14  4

W:Look at that sky! I can’t believe I forgot my umbrella again!
M:We are almost there,Linda.I think we’ll be able to make it.
Q:What can be inferred about the weather?
M:What happened to you,Jennifer? Who hit you on the leg?
W:Nobody.I was just running with my brother and hit my leg against the tree.
Q:What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、Jennifer is wearing a bandage over her leg.
B、Jennifer will be a runner.
C、Jennifer’s brother hit her in the leg.
D、Jennifer tried to climb the tree.

答案 A

解析 推理题。M问是谁踢了W的腿?W说:“没人踢我,我和哥哥一起跑,腿碰到了树上。”由此推断正,确的答案是A。