According to the passage, it is not surprising that ______. [br] Those who think

游客2024-02-14  5

问题 According to the passage, it is not surprising that ______. [br] Those who think education should serve the economy are of the opinion that ______.

选项 A、school curriculum should have some relationship to economics
B、knowledge is to be perceived as preserving a nation’s cultural history
C、knowledge is to be transmitted
D、students must learn how to be businessmen

答案 A

解析 文章第三段第二句提到It sees the child as a being to be trained to fit into this economic machine,此处的“指代本段第一句的内容,即题干中的think education should serve the economy。持有这种观点的人认为,孩子们应该被训练来适应经济这台机器。本段第四句又指出The seen as a trainer, a constructor,a transmitter,即老师的作用就是传播(能服务于商业的)知识,选项A“学校课程的设置应该与经济有一定联系”符合题意。选项B与题干中的态度相反;选项C是根据第三段第四句设计的干扰项;选项D在原文中找不到明确依据。