[originaltext]W: Excuse me, sir. I’m taking a poll about the coming election. W

游客2024-02-12  5

W: Excuse me, sir. I’m taking a poll about the coming election. Would you mind answering a few questions?
M: Not at all. What would you like to know?
W: First of all, are you registered to vote?
M: You bet. I’ll be the first in line at the polls on the Election Day.
W: With which party do you most strongly identify the Democrats or Republicans?
M: I’m for neither of them.
W: Would you describe yourself as a liberal or conservative?
M: I guess I’m really more of a moderate. You know, middle-of-the-road.
W: Which would you say is the most important issue facing the candidates: the economy, civil rights, or foreign policy?
M: I would have to say the economy. I don’t want my taxes raised.

选项 A、Who wins the election.
B、He is concerned about the civil rights.
C、He is concerned about the economic policy.
D、He is concerned about the foreign policy.

答案 C
