All the words and actions of a citizen should ______ the nation’ s laws and regu

游客2024-02-12  3

问题 All the words and actions of a citizen should ______ the nation’ s laws and regulations.

选项 A、confess to
B、correspond to
C、confine to
D、compare to

答案 B

解析 本题考核短语动词辨析。句意为:公民的一切言行都应该符合国家的法律和法规。选项中confess to:承认错误,如:The boy confessed to breaking the glass.小男孩承认打碎了玻璃杯。correspond to意为“相配,相称,相符合”,confine to意为“限制”,如:Please confine your remarks to the topic under discussion.请将你的话限于讨论的话题范围之内。compare to意为”与相比,将……比做“,如