In the first sentence, the writer says "it is claimed" because ______. [br] Real

游客2024-02-12  15

问题 In the first sentence, the writer says "it is claimed" because ______. [br] Reality TV appeals to some people because it ______.

选项 A、shows males daring women
B、lets people to show on the TV
C、shows average people in exceptional circumstances
D、can turn ordinary people into celebrities

答案 C

解析 由题干中的appeals定位到原文第四段首句Part of reality television’s appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations.[精析] 题干问的是reality television吸引人之处。由原文定位句表原因的due to后的叙述“电视真人秀的部分诱人之处在于其能够把普通人放在不同寻常的场景下”可知C)含义与之相符,其中exceptional circumstances为原文extraordinary situations的同义转述,均表“不同寻常的场景”。[排除干扰] A)“展示男女约会”、B)“让人们可以在电视上秀自己”、D)“让普通人成为名人”三项是C)项的具体解释,片面,故排除。