[originaltext]W: Excuse me, Sir. May I have a talk with you now?M: Yes. How ar

游客2024-02-12  3

W: Excuse me, Sir. May I have a talk with you now?
M: Yes. How are you? How is your practice?
W: There is a slight let-up, Sir.
M: What’s the matter, my girl? Why do you look so dull?
W: (23) I’m afraid my mother is not very happy about my missing classes for one week. She feels my studies will suffer. I’m confused, Sir. What would you advise me to do?
M: Well. What do you propose to do?
W: You know how eager I’m to play in such an important tournament.
M: In that case, I think you should talk to your subject teachers. (24) Request them to teach in advance what they are going to teach the class during your absence. Ask them if they can teach you, when both of you are free. Then talk it out with your mother. I don’t think your mother will have any objection then.
W: Oh! Thank you, Sir. I feel greatly relieved. I’m sure the teachers will not say "no" to my request. By the way, (25) is there a time when I could meet with you for the schedule of the tournament?
M: I could meet with you tomorrow anywhere from two until four. What time works out best?
W: I would like to come at three o’clock.
M: I am glad that works out. I’ll wait for you in my office.
W: Thank you, I’ll be there.
M: If you need to cancel your appointment, please give me a call!
23. Why is the girl’s mother unhappy according to this conversation?
24. What will the girl request the subject teachers to do?
25. Why will the girl meet the man?

选项 A、To get the information of missing classes.
B、To set practice time for the tournament.
C、To know the schedule of the tournament.
D、To fix learning time for every subject.

答案 C

解析 题干询问女孩为什么要与男士碰面。对话中女孩问男士是否有时间碰面询问比赛的日程安排,故答案为C)。