[originaltext]W: You know Frank’s appearance seems to be neater these days. I w

游客2024-02-12  7

W: You know Frank’s appearance seems to be neater these days. I wonder why.
M: Maybe he just decided it was time to turn over a new leaf.
Q: What can be inferred about Frank?
W: This toothache is killing me! I was hoping it would just go away but it’s getting worse by the minute. What did you say the name of your dentist was?
M: I told you last week to make that appointment.
Q: what does the man imply?

选项 A、He went to see the dentist a week ago.
B、The woman should cancel her appointment with the dentist.
C、The woman’s toothache will go away by itself.
D、The woman should have seen the dentist earlier.

答案 D

解析 观点态度题。解答此题的关键是从别人曾经的建议(told you last week to...)推导出本该做却没有做的事情(should have seen the dentist earlier)。