[originaltext]M: Julia, this is Stephen, our new reporter. Would you have some

游客2024-02-11  10

M: Julia, this is Stephen, our new reporter. Would you have some time today to show him around? You know introducing him to the others makes him feel at home.
W: I’ll be happy to. Then after lunch I can set up his desk so he can get to work.
Q: What will Stephen probably do after lunch?
W: Oh, my God! It’s already half past four and I haven’t finished typing these business letters for my boss.
M: Your watch must be half an hour fast. It is only four o’clock now, and you still have one good hour to do them.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?

选项 A、In a shop.
B、In an office.
C、In a classroom.
D、At the post office.

答案 B

解析 女士说“天哪!已经4点半了,我还没帮老板打完这些商业信件呢。”由此可知,对话发生在办公室,故选B。