[originaltext]W: Can you believe the bus driver just yelled at me like that? M

游客2024-02-11  12

W: Can you believe the bus driver just yelled at me like that?
M: And what did you think it would happen when you spill the coffee all over the floor?
Q:What does the man mean?
M: Do you think John would lend me 15 dollars until tomorrow?
W: Are you kidding? He’s always broke. Besides, he still owes me ten from last week.
Q: What does the woman imply about John?

选项 A、He does not like to borrow money.
B、He has a lot of money to lend.
C、He is unlikely to lend money.
D、He lent ten dollars to the woman.

答案 C

解析 男士问女士说明天John是否会借给他15美元。女士回答说男士在开玩笑,John常常处于破产状态,另外现在还欠着上周向她借的10美元呢。即John根本无钱可借,所以不大可能借给别人钱。