[originaltext]W: I’m sorry. I need to work late tonight. So you should probably

游客2024-02-11  20

W: I’m sorry. I need to work late tonight. So you should probably cancel our reservation at the restaurant.
M: Oh, actually I’ve never got round to making one in the first place.
Q: What does the man mean?
M: Lucy is late again. It’s so rude of her to keep us waiting on such a cold day.
W: You know it’s rush hour and there are 30 miles for her to drive to meet us here.
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、She doesn’t like Lucy to be late again.
B、It’s forgivable for Lucy to be late.
C、The man should be more patient.
D、Lucy will show up soon.

答案 B

解析 男士说Lucy又迟到了,并且这么冷的天让他们久等是很不礼貌的。女士说现在是交通高峰期而且Lucy还要开车30英里来与他们会合.言外之意就是Lucy迟到也是可以凉解的。故选B)项。