[originaltext]W: I’m sorry. I need to work late tonight. So you should probably

游客2024-02-11  10

W: I’m sorry. I need to work late tonight. So you should probably cancel our reservation at the restaurant.
M: Oh, actually I’ve never got round to making one in the first place.
Q: What does the man mean?
M: How do I look in this new sweater I bought yesterday? I was in a hurry, so I didn’t have a chance to try it on.
W: Well, I really like the style. But it looks a little tight. You might want to take it back and get the next size up.
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

选项 A、Get a bigger size.
B、Get a tighter one.
C、Buy one more sweater.
D、Try it on immediately.

答案 A

解析 男士问女士他的新毛衣怎么样,他买的时候都没时间试穿,女士回答说款式不错,就是看起来有点紧,劝他换成大一号的(get the next size up)。故选A)项。