[originaltext]M: Lisa, Lisa! Over here, darling! It’s wonderful to see you. Oh,

游客2024-02-11  21

M: Lisa, Lisa! Over here, darling! It’s wonderful to see you. Oh, Lisa, you look marvelous.
W: Oh, Paul, you look tired. Two months away in the capital? Paul, I think you’ve been working too hard.
M: I’m fine. The city is very hot this time of the year. It’s good to get back to some fresh air. You know,(23)Lisa, what they say about pregnant women really is true.
W: What’s that, Paul?
M: They say they look beautiful.
W: Well, I had a lot of tension while you’ve been studying hard on your course in D.C.
M: Oh?
W: Oh, don’t worry, all from a man over 50. (23)Father has told all his business friends the good news about the baby. And the phone hasn’t stopped ringing.
M: Oh, look, darling. There’s a taxi.
W: Paul, tell me about the special project you mentioned on the phone. You sounded very excited about it!
M: You know, I’ve learned a lot from the project. I’m surprised that was still in business.
W:(24)That’s because we have a wonderful sales manager —you!
M: Thanks. But that’s not the problem at all. Lisa,(25)our little company, and it is little compared to the giants in the city. Our little company’s in danger. We are out of date. We need to expand. If we don’t, we will be swallowed up by one of the giants.
23.Q: What do we learn about Lisa?
24.Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?
25.Q: What does the man say about his company?

选项 A、She is pregnant.
B、She is over 50.
C、She has just finished her project.
D、She is a good saleswoman.

答案 A

解析 对话中男士对女士说,关于怀孕女性的说法确实是真的;女士也对男士提到,父亲已经把关于这个小宝宝的好消息告诉他在商业圈的朋友们了。由以上信息可以推测,女士已经怀孕了,所以答案为A)。