[originaltext]W: What did I do wrong? Did I take a wrong turn? M: I’m not sure

游客2024-02-11  17

W: What did I do wrong? Did I take a wrong turn?
M: I’m not sure, but(1)I think that you turned left when you should have turned right.
Q: What can we infer from the conversation?
W: You had met Professor Johnson before, right? How would you describe his lectures?
M: Well, let me put it this way:(3)I could never stay awake in one of his classes without first drinking at least two cups of coffee.
Q: What does the man say about Professor Johnson’s lecture?

选项 A、It is usually boring.
B、He keeps the students awake.
C、It is not allowed to drink coffee.
D、There is too much work.

答案 A
