[originaltext]W: There is a limit of three books each person, but you take four

游客2024-02-10  2

W: There is a limit of three books each person, but you take four books.
M: Thank you for telling me this. I’ll drop this one and be certain to return the other three on time.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
M: I need to go out. Mary is waiting for me in the coffee shop. Is it still raining?
W: Yes, but it’s starting to let up a little.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、It’s not raining that hard now.
B、The rain has just begun.
C、It only rained a little bit.
D、It’s raining too hard to go out.

答案 A

解析 男士问女士现在还下雨吗,女士说“是的,但是开始小了”,由此可推知,现在雨下得没有之前那么大了,故答案为[A]。let up意为“减缓,减弱”。