Skip that third helping of roast beef, save the planet and do your heart a f

游客2024-02-09  10

问题     Skip that third helping of roast beef, save the planet and do your heart a favor at the same time.
    That’s the advice of Alan Dangour of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and colleagues who【C1】______the livestock industry’s potential to help the UK reduce its carbon emissions to half of 1990 levels by 2030, and the knock-on effect on the nation’s health.
    They found that the industry could reduce its emissions, but only if the livestock the UK produces, and the meat the nation【C2】______, drops by 30 per cent Farms must also optimise(最优化)their energy【C3】______by. for example, capturing carbon in animal waste.
    The health pay-off would be【C4】______: 18,000 fewer people would die prematurely in the UK each year from heart attacks—a(n) 【C5】______of 17 per cent—as they would eat less of the fats found in meat.
    The effect would not be limited to rich nations. The team found that Brazil could【C6】______the same health benefits. "We’re not saying go vegetarian, we’re saying reduce how much livestock produce you consume," says Dangour. The savings could be【C7】______higher if reduced death rates from cancer and obesity had been included, he adds.
    Agronomist(农艺学家)Kenneth Cassman of the University of Nebraska warns that cutting production in one region can【C8】______it elsewhere, causing a rise in global emissions. "Reducing production of livestock products in a developed country like the UK does little to influence global【C9】______in production and consumption where most of the increase in demand between now and 2050 will come from【C10】______countries," he says.
A)developing B)even C)trends D)explored
E)developed F)just G)considerable H)consumes
I)boast J)achieve K)considerate L)offers
M)reduction N)boost O)efficiency [br] 【C4】


答案 G

解析 此处应为形容词。从空后的冒号可知此处为总结性话语,而冒号后的具体内容是支撑该观点的。该句提到“英国每年因心脏病而早逝的人将会减少1.8万人”,由18,000 fewer可推断此处表示健康方面的良好结果是“可观的”,选considerable。注意considerate只是形近,意思指“体贴的;考虑周到的”,与语义不符。