中华民族是龙的传人,而实际上根本没有龙这种动物存在,它只是人们臆想出来的一种动物象征 ,结合了许多种其他不同动物的特征,包括:鹿、鱼、老虎、狮子、马、牛、驴、蛇

游客2024-02-08  18

问题 中华民族是龙的传人,而实际上根本没有龙这种动物存在,它只是人们臆想出来的一种动物象征 ,结合了许多种其他不同动物的特征,包括:鹿、鱼、老虎、狮子、马、牛、驴、蛇、和秃鹰(vulture)。龙被人们看作是一种具有神性的动物,时常与云朵、雷电和降雨联系在一起,它可以在陆地行走,在海里游泳,在天空翱翔,化作风神和雨神。中国人不仅认为龙是一种福神(mascot),还是权力、尊严、运气、力量和成功的化身。


答案 The Chinese people consider themselves descendents of the dragon, which is in fact a fictitious animal combining some features of the deer, fish, tiger, lion, horse, ox, donkey, snake and vulture. This divine animal is always associated with clouds, thunderbolts and rainfall. It can walk on the land, swim in the sea and fly in the air and is the deity of wind and rain. Chinese people believe it is a mascot, as well as the embodiment of power, dignity, luck, strength and success.
