[originaltext]M: Do you feel like going to the cinema, Liz?W: Oh yes, let’s do

游客2024-02-08  9

M: Do you feel like going to the cinema, Liz?
W: Oh yes, let’s do that, John.
M: Well, what shall we go and see?
W: What kind of films do you like?
M: Well, I like all sorts of films really...My favourite sorts of films are, like Star Wars, you know, the fantasy, special-effect ones that you can escape into another world. Um... I also like mystery films. Do you like mystery films?
W: Yes, I quite like mystery films, but I don’t like horror films because they really give me nightmares.
M: Yes, I know, I don’t like horror films either. They’re sort of stupid and unbelievable. But I do like crime films where you follow the detective and try to guess who the murderer is, like Agatha Christie stories, you know. It’s very exciting to make out the murderer before the film tells us. And your ability of logical reasoning will become much better, if you see this kind of movie quite often.
W: Haha, what do you think of a film with Robert Redford or Paul Newman in it?
M: Oh, I don’t think much of either.
W: Oh, don’t you like them?
M: Well, I tend to prefer people like Clint Eastwood and...
W: Oh, no! I’m not keen on him at all!
M: Really?
W: No. What about a good comedy or a good musical?
M: No, I don’t like things like that really.
W: The trouble is there are not very many good ones around these days. Why don’t we just ring up the Grand Cinema and find out what’s on? Then we can decide.
M: That’s a good idea.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. What kind of movies does the man like best?
13. What does the man say about crime films?
14. What does the woman say about these days’ movies?
15. What do the two speakers decide to do at the end of the conversation?

选项 A、They show people another fantasy world.
B、They reveal the very reality of modern society.
C、They help improve the ability of logical reasoning.
D、They contain many exciting actions and plots.

答案 C

解析 选项中的show和actions and plots表明,They可能指某种电影,问题可能与它们的特点有关。男士提到他非常喜欢犯罪片(crime films),因为观众可以跟随侦探的调查推测出凶手(murderer)到底是谁,在电影揭示真相前,自己就能确定谁是真凶是一件令人兴奋的事,而且经常看这种电影,逻辑推理能力(ability of logical reasoning)会大大提高,故答案为C)。