[originaltext]W: Mary is annoyed after someone told her that her pearl necklace

游客2024-02-07  7

W: Mary is annoyed after someone told her that her pearl necklace was very valuable.
M: What a pity! If only she were told earlier. You know, she sold it for only 500 dollars.
Q: Why is Mary so annoyed?
W: It’s so annoying. My phone rings all the time. I’m afraid I won’t get my thesis finished in time.
M: Maybe you should disconnect the phone.
Q: What does the man suggest?

选项 A、Mute the phone.
B、Call the customer service for help.
C、Disable the incoming calls.
D、Leave the phone in the dormitory.

答案 C

解析 女士的电话一直响个不停,女士对此非常恼火,并说她恐怕不能按时完成论文了,男士说女士应该把电话线切断了。由此可知,男士建议女士切断电话线使电话不能接收来电。