[originaltext]M: Thank you for calling Overseas Travel Agency. May I help you?

游客2024-02-07  7

M: Thank you for calling Overseas Travel Agency. May I help you?
W: Yes,(9)my husband and I are planning a vacation. We’d like to visit a tropical island-Do you have any recommendations?
M: Certainly, I would love to be of assistance. Off the top of my head, I would suggest the island of Bali this time of year.
W: Why Bali?
M: At this time of year,(10)it is raining cats and dogs in most tropical regions, but it is the dry season in Bali. Also, there are many excellent hotels to choose from. And I must say that shopping is absolutely super.
W: Bali sounds perfect for us. Can you tell me how much it will cost for the two of us?
We would like to spend as little as possible.
M: It will take me a day or so to get accurate prices, but I will call you as soon as I do. At that time, if you feel the prices acceptable, we can book it.(11)I want to assure you that I’m a professional and I will work as hard as I possibly can to make sure that your trip is well planned and not too expensive.
W: Thank you. When we book the resort, will we have to pay for it right away, or can we pay for it when we get there?
M:(12)I’ll need your credit card number to make a reservation, but you won’t have to pay for it until you get there.
W: That sounds great. I look forward to talking with you again.
9. Why does the woman call Overseas Travel Agency?
10. Why does the man suggest Bali?
11. What does the man promise the couple?
12. What should the woman do if she decides on Bali finally?

选项 A、She wants to ask some information about Bali.
B、She wants to find an assistant from the agency.
C、She wants some advice on vacation.
D、She calls to confirm her reservation.

答案 C

解析 对话开始男士首先自报家门,随后女士说想去热带岛屿旅行,并询问男士有何建议。由此可见,女士打电话是因为她需要一些关于假期的建议。