[originaltext]W: Is this the very room advertised by the travel agency? The spa

游客2024-02-05  9

W: Is this the very room advertised by the travel agency? The space is small and the facilities are poor. How is the view from the window?
M: Great, if you enjoy looking at a parking lot.
Q: What can we know about the hotel room?
M: Oh, Nancy, who presented you that marvelous gift?
W: I just can’t come up with anyone. I do hope he reveals himself soon, because I’m dying of curiosity.
Q: What do we know about the woman?

选项 A、She has known who presented her the gift.
B、She’s anxious to see who gave her the gift.
C、She hates gifts from strangers.
D、She has received many gifts from the same person.

答案 B

解析 事实状况题。女士说她希望送她礼物的人能reveals himself(自动出现),因为她dying of curiosity(非常好奇),由此可知女士十分急切地想知道是谁送她的礼物,故答案为B)。