
游客2024-02-05  8

问题     中华文明,又称“华夏文明”。“华夏”是中国汉民族的前身。中华文明可以追溯到公元前26世纪黄帝统一中原,至今延续五千多年。无论从语言和文字,还是从哲学、文学、书法、绘画、戏曲、建筑、园林和饮食等方面审视,我们都不难发现,中华文明五千年发展史至今脉络清晰可见,可谓是“世界四大古文明”中唯一从未因战争、朝代更迭而中断或灭亡、甚至失忆的伟大文明。


答案     Chinese civilization is also known as the "Huaxia Civilization". "Huaxia" were the predecessors of Chinese Han people. Chinese civilization can be traced back to the 26th century B.C. when the Yellow Emperor, the founding father of the Chinese nation, unified the Central Plains. Since then, Chinese civilization has existed for over 5000 years. In term of language, written characters, philosophy, literature, calligraphy, painting, drama, architecture, gardens and cuisine, the five thousand year history of Chinese civilization is clearly visible. As one of the world’s four major ancient civilizations, Chinese Civilization is well known for its continuity and the fact it was never wiped out by war, changes of dynasties, or simply by people forgetting their culture.
