[originaltext]M: The telephone company says that they can send a man between on

游客2024-02-05  10

M: The telephone company says that they can send a man between one and three tomorrow afternoon, but someone has to be at home to let him in.
W: Well, I guess I’ll have to take off from work at noon. We can’t go any longer without a telephone.
Q: What is the woman going to do tomorrow afternoon?
M: Jane, did you have any trouble with the English course this semester?
W: Not really. The only thing 1 haven’t understood so far is the intensive reading we had yesterday.
Q: How is the woman doing in the course?

选项 A、She isn’t having much trouble.
B、She understood the reading yesterday.
C、She understands very little.
D、She is good at intensive reading.

答案 A

解析 推理题。男士问女士这学期的英语课有什么麻烦没有,由女士回答的“其实也没有”以及其后的“到目前为止唯一不太理解的就是昨天的精读”,可知她并没有遇到很多麻烦。