For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should sta

游客2024-02-04  7

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on conceit. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


答案     Conceit Brings Failure
    The picture given above vividly describes a situation in which a little conceited spider finally tastes the bitter fruit cultivated by his conceit, or we call it arrogance, with tears falling from his eyes. Indeed, arrogance should always be avoided by all of us.
    As the old Chinese saying goes, "The modest receive benefit, while the conceited reap failure." Why? First of all, if one feels conceited, he or she will stop the pursuit of knowledge. Little by little, lagging behind is a certain result. There are so many examples which well demonstrate this point, and the famous wonder child Fang Zhongyong in ancient China is a telling example. Secondly , those who are self-conceited tend to pay too much attention to themselves. Thus, they cannot concentrate on their original tasks.
    In a word , one loses by pride and gains by modesty. We should learn from this principle and behave ourselves modestly.

解析     文章的第一段对所给图片进行了简单分析并引出主题。
    第二段首句引用了中国的谚语The modest receive benefit,while the conceited reap failure.“满招损,谦受益”。接着从不同角度阐述了这句谚语的合理性和必要性。第一,自负的人会停止追求知识,久而久之就会落后。接着用句型There are so many examples which well demonstratethis point引出了中国古代方仲永的例子来说明此问题,论证有力。第二,自负的人过于关注自己,从而不能集中注意力工作。