[originaltext]M: The taxi is waiting for us. Let’s hurry.W: Wait a minute. I’l

游客2024-02-04  6

M: The taxi is waiting for us. Let’s hurry.
W: Wait a minute. I’ll take some water with us. That Karaoke doesn’t provide water for free.
Q: What are the speakers going to do?
M: You seemed to have no clue about Tony’s speech during the conference. Did you have any objection?
W: No. But I wish he would have spoken more slowly because I just came here for a short while.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She has some disagreement.
B、She has something urgent to do.
C、She can’t follow what Tony said.
D、She can’t focus on the discussion.

答案 C

解析 工作商务类,弦外之音题。男士问女士对会议上Tony的发言是不是有什么反对意见,女士回答说没有反对意见,但她希望Tony可以讲得慢点,因为她刚到此地。言外之意,女士由于刚到此地,还不熟悉情况,因此跟不上Tony的思路。