[originaltext]W: Couldn’t you make life a little easier for yourself if you wou

游客2024-02-04  5

W: Couldn’t you make life a little easier for yourself if you wouldn’t be so insistent on things?
M: I believe I have a responsibility to the public to abide by principles. You have to fight for those principles if you want to protect your own integrity.
Q: What can we learn about the man?
W: You are so involved in the environment. What drives your interest?
M: I’m not majoring in Environmental Science, but I believe we can still live a better life without losing so many animals and plants.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、Environmental Science is appealing to the man.
B、The man is engaged in protecting endangered animals.
C、Animals and plants are equal to human beings.
D、People should live a harmonious life with nature.

答案 D

解析 气候环境类.语义理解题。:女士问男士为什么对环境如此感兴趣,男士说虽然他不主修环境科学,但他认为在不失去很多动植物的前提下,人类依然可以过更好的生活。由此可以推断,男士希望人类能与自然和谐共处。