[originaltext]W: Couldn’t you make life a little easier for yourself if you wou

游客2024-02-04  5

W: Couldn’t you make life a little easier for yourself if you wouldn’t be so insistent on things?
M: I believe I have a responsibility to the public to abide by principles. You have to fight for those principles if you want to protect your own integrity.
Q: What can we learn about the man?
M: It seems that our company isn’t in a good condition, and there is no sign of picking up yet.
W: Yes. Many workers threaten to leave the company, but the company once helped us when we were in trouble. How should we do that?
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、She threatens to leave the company.
B、She is confident of the company’s future.
C、She will stay in the company whatever it is.
D、She has ever helped the company out.

答案 C

解析 工作商务类。弦外之音愚。男士说公司状况不好,而且没有好转的迹象;女士表示同意,并提到很多人威胁辞职,但是她认为公司曾在员工有困难的时候帮助过大家,所以大家不应该那么做。言外之意,女士将会待在公司,与公司共渡难关。