[originaltext]M: Excuse me, Prof. Johnson, when I communicate with foreigners,

游客2024-02-04  3

M: Excuse me, Prof. Johnson, when I communicate with foreigners, sometimes I don’t know what they mean although I can catch every word.
W: This is why I always suggest its culture shouldn’t be neglected when you learn a foreign language.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、Languages are sometimes inseparable with cultures.
B、A foreign culture is more important than its language.
C、One should learn culture before learning a language.
D、Culture is the key to understand a foreigner.

答案 A

解析 校园生活类。语义理解题。男士说他与外国人交流时能听懂他们说的每个单词,但却不理解他们话的意思;女士说这就是她建议在学习外语时:不能忽视文化的原因。由此可知,女士认为语言与文化是不可分割的。