[originaltext]W: I’m sick of being a salaried employee. Why don’t we pool our s

游客2024-02-04  3

W: I’m sick of being a salaried employee. Why don’t we pool our savings and start our own business?
M: Great idea! If we pool our knowledge and talent, we’ll succeed in any venture.
Q: What might the two speakers do?
W: The Chinese stock market has opened to foreign investors. Are you going to buy Chinese stocks?
M: Yes. I lost ray shirt on Wall Street last year, so I think I will pull all my money out there and invest it in the Chinese stock market instead this year.
Q: What is the man planning to do?

选项 A、Enter the stock market instead of investing in clothing.
B、Move to another residence from Wall Street.
C、Transfer his investment to the Chinese stock market.
D、Share his money-making experience with other marketers.

答案 C

解析 女士说:“中国股市已向国外投资者开放,你会购买中国股票吗?”男士说:“当然会。……”故C正确。