[originaltext]W: I’m sick of being a salaried employee. Why don’t we pool our s

游客2024-02-04  3

W: I’m sick of being a salaried employee. Why don’t we pool our savings and start our own business?
M: Great idea! If we pool our knowledge and talent, we’ll succeed in any venture.
Q: What might the two speakers do?
M: How do you find your new English teacher?
W: Very nice. What I like best about her is that she never takes offense. She answers all our questions very patiently, no matter how many times they’ve been asked.
Q: What does the woman like best about her mew English teacher?

选项 A、Her mild temper.
B、Her broad knowledge.
C、Her teaching style.
D、Her detailed answers.

答案 A

解析 女士谈到新来的英语教师时说:“我最喜欢她的地方是,她从不生气。”即该老师脾气很温和,A正确。含有形容词最高级处常设考点。