[originaltext]M: You can teach Jim in a more pleasant way. You’ll spoil his app

游客2024-02-03  1

M: You can teach Jim in a more pleasant way. You’ll spoil his appetite.
W: Maybe you’re right. I shouldn’t have blamed him before I taught him.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
W: Excuse me, how long can I keep the compact disc?
M: Well, it’s September 20th today and you have to return it in two weeks’ time.
Q: When will the woman have to return the compact disc?

选项 A、September 20th.
B、September 4th.
C、October 4th.
D、October 20th.

答案 C

解析 男士说:“今天是9月20日,你得在两周内归还。”两周后是10月4日,故C正确。时间题,与数字题类似,需要做一些简单计算。符合短对话听力“听到什么不选什么”的原则。