[originaltext]M: The university is going to hold an English Speech Contest. Man

游客2024-02-03  5

M: The university is going to hold an English Speech Contest. Many of my friends are going to enter for it. How about you?
W: Do you think I could ever win anything if I took part in it?
Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?
M: Would you please help me adjust the air flow? It’s blowing right on my head. I’m a bit cold.
W: Sure. Just turn the knob here in whichever direction you like. You can also shut it off by switching it tightly to the right.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The woman is showing how to turn on a light.
B、The man is sitting near the window.
C、The man has got a bad headache.
D、The woman is asked to adjust the air-conditioner.

答案 D

解析 男士嫌冷,让女士帮他调气流量,女士告诉他可以旋转圆形的控制开关,也可以关掉它。D中的air-conditioner是air flow的同义表达,故D正确。