[originaltext]M: Please reconsider-what have you got against keeping a dog for

游客2024-02-03  6

M: Please reconsider-what have you got against keeping a dog for a month?
W: You know I’d like to help. It’s just that dogs are a lot more trouble than they’re worth.
Q: What is the woman most probably going to do?
W: I thought of going for a bite but nothing seems to be open.
M: Oh, that’s because it’s after 12. Why don’t you follow me and I’ll show you one that’s open all hours.
Q: What does the man suggest?

选项 A、He will show her a place to watch a midnight movie.
B、He will show her a bike shop that is open all hours.
C、He will show her a grocery store to buy food.
D、He will show her a place to eat at that time.

答案 D
