[originaltext] Our eating habits are very important for good health and a st

游客2024-02-02  4

Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body. There are times when most of us would rather eat sweets and ice cream than meat and rice. Sweets and ice cream are not bad for the stomach if we eat them at the end of a meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite. It is important for us to eat our meal at the same time each day. When we feel hungry, it is a sign that our bodies need food. When we feel angry or excited, we may not want to eat. When we are worried, we may not want to eat, either.
    A long time ago, in England, some judges used to decide whether a man was telling the truth by giving him some dry bread. If the man could not swallow the bread, it was a sign that he wasn’t telling the truth. He was telling a lie. Although this seems very strange and rather foolish, it is indeed an excellent way of finding out the truth. A man who is worrying about something has difficulty in swallowing anything dry. Because when he is worrying, he loses his appetite and does not want to eat.
16. Which of the following may take away our appetite before we have our meal?
17. When had we better have our meals?
18. How could the judges in old England tell that a man had told a tie?

选项 A、If he swallows dry bread easily.
B、If he eats a lot of dry bread.
C、If he drinks milk or hot water.
D、If he could hardly swallow dry bread.

答案 D

解析 预读选项时要注意辨别各选项间的异同。文章的后半部分讲了很久以前英格兰法官判断嫌疑人是否说谎的方法:给他吃干面包。吃不下就是说谎了,因为人在不安的时候难以咽下任何干的食物。故选D。英语的习惯是先说结果,再说原因。文中也是先说法官的做法,然后解释为什么他们会这样做。A、B表达的均是肯定含义,与文中的否定含义(如could not,has difficulty等)相违背,故可同时排除:C在文中未提及。