[originaltext] Any idea what the world’s best known English language is? Bef

游客2024-02-01  10

Any idea what the world’s best known English language is? Before you guess, here’s a hint. It’s "Happy Birthday". And because of a judge’s ruling on Tuesday, it’s no longer protected by copyright. You might have noticed how at some restaurants, they don’t actually sing the tune " Happy Birthday to You", because they don’t want to get sued.(5)Here’s why: two sisters wrote " Happy Birthday" about 120 years ago. They assigned the music rights to a music company. In 1998, that company was bought by Warner-Chappell Music. And since then, Warner-Chappell has made about 2 million bucks a year on fees for the use of the song, though it doesn’t charge people singing it at home.(6)Anyway, a filmmaker that’s making a documentary about the song sued Warner-Chappell to avoid paying a $ 1 .500 fine.(7)A judge ruled that Warner-Chappell owned a limited piano arrangement, not the actual lyrical song itself. That means it’s free from copyright and free for anyone, anywhere to sing it, like a gift that keeps giving.
5. How many years has it been since the song "Happy Birthday" was written?
6. Why was Warner-Chappell sued according to the news?
7. Why is the copyright of "Happy Birthday" no longer protected?

选项 A、It has been 50 years from now.
B、It has been over 80 years from now.
C、It has been about 120 years from now.
D、It has been about 160 years from now.

答案 C

解析 题干提到了两姐妹大概在120年前写了生日快乐歌,这是录音中唯一与时间有关的数字,因此要格外留心。