[originaltext]W: Are you going to the fair next Saturday? M: What fair?W: The

游客2024-02-01  6

W: Are you going to the fair next Saturday?
M: What fair?
W: The annual fair that our university puts on the first Saturday in June to raise money for a hospital. The fair is going to be held on the university athletic field just like in previous years. Haven’t you noticed the tents that had already been set up?
M: Yes, I have. What are they for?
W: They are for the many special events and displays. There are food tent, music tent, auction tent and many more. All painted in different colors, such as orange, blue, green ... I’m going to help serve food at the food tent for a few hours Saturday afternoon.
M: Do many people volunteer to help out?
W: Oh, yes. I like helping, because I really enjoy seeing a lot of my friends at the food tent. Everybody loves to eat.
M: So that’s it. What is the green tent used for?
W: Oh, it is the auction tent! An auction will take place on Saturday afternoon, and people really will take out their treasures for sale. They donate all kinds of things.
M: And all the profits from the fair always go to support the hospital. What a good idea! Well, I need a couple of bookcases. Maybe I can find some at the auction. I’m glad you mentioned it.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. Why does the university hold this fair?
13. What are the tents for?
14. What is the green tent used for?
15. What is the man’ s opinion of the auction?

选项 A、To serve food.
B、For the band to play music.
C、To sell donations.
D、For entertainment.

答案 C

解析 信息明示题。男士问女士绿色帐篷的用途时,女士说it is the auction tent!即用来卖捐赠物品,故选C。此处的难点在于auction一词的词义,意为“拍卖”。如果不知道auction的意思,也可以从people really will take out their treasures for sale这句话中推断出,是在卖东西,故选C。