Passwords are a pain in the ass. They’re either easy to【C1】______ or hard to

游客2024-01-30  5

问题     Passwords are a pain in the ass. They’re either easy to【C1】______ or hard to remember, and when breaches (破坏)【C2】______ you have to come up with a whole new one. So people are trying to do away with passwords altogether, and so far fingerprint scanners are doing the job nicely.
    Still, fingerprints alone are not【C3】______ . Online security has become【C4】______ important, forcing service providers to come up with better measures such as two-factor authentication (验证) to【C5】______ user information. Companies are turning to other parts of our bodies to find biometric (生物计量的)【C6】______ that are up to the task, and our faces and eyes are at the top of the list. Although facial and eye-based recognition appear gimmicky for now, they may soon become as prevalent and popular as fingerprint scanners. That pairing could root out passwords and clunky text-message two-factor【C7】______ altogether, making it a completely biometric process.
    The popularity, prevalence and convenience of fingerprint scanning means it is here to stay, and by no means are face and eye recognition meant to【C8】______ it. Choudhury sees the newer method as a complement to fingerprints, providing a more convenient second-factor authentication as opposed to entering a text code sent to your phone. While the tech we have right now may not be fast or secure enough to be truly convenient and helpful, we’re getting close. Using the adoption of fingerprint scanners as a【C9】______ , Choudhury estimated we are about five years away from iris (虹膜) scanners and face detection becoming【C10】______ . Until then, we’ll have to deal with changing our crappy passwords every so often and hope we don’t forget them.
A) complements I) interfere
B) conceptions J) model
C) crack K) occur
D) defend L) replace
E) enough M) traditionally
F) identify N) verification
G) inappropriate O) widespread H) increasingly [br] 【C2】


答案 K

解析 此空格位于when引导的时间状语从句中,空格前为从句的主语breaches,空格后是主句,并且主句的时态是一般现在时,因此空格处应填入动词原形作从句的谓语。本句提到“当破解______时,你就不得不想出一个全新的密码”,由此可知,原来的密码无效了,也就是说被破解了,故此处应选择与发生意义相近的动词,因此K)occur“发生,出现”为答案。