Teenage boys, regardless of race, are more likely to die from gunshot wounds
Teenage boys, regardless of race, are more likely to die from gunshot wounds
Teenage boys, regardless of race, are more likely to die from gunshot wounds than from all natural causes combined.
By the time the average American child leaves elementary school, he or she will witness 8,000 murders and more than 100,000 acts of violence on television.
Youth are becoming involved in violence at an alarming rate. In fact, the youth arrest rate for murder doubled, from 6 arrests per 100,000 youth age 10 to 17 to over 12 per 100,000.
The American Psychological Association Commission on Violence and Youth reported on a study of first and second graders in Washington D.C.: 45% said they had witnessed muggings (行凶抢劫), 31% said they had witnessed shootings, and 39% said they had seen dead bodies.
For the many youth who have not been directly exposed to violence in their own communities, the entertainment media(television, movies, music and video games, provides many opportunities for children to see and hear violent exchanges. Research shows that there are about 5-6 violent acts per hour on prime time and 20-25 violent acts on Saturday morning children’s programming. In its report, Psychology and You: Violence on Television, the American Psychological Association(APA) reported that viewing violence on television hurts children in many ways. In particular, the APA concludes that children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, be more fearful of the world around them, be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways toward others, and gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry also cautions that children may imitate the violence they observe on television.
Another form of violence involving youth is physical punishment in the schools. This form of discipline still remains legally supported in 23 of our nation’s states. The Office for Civil Rights in the Department of Education reported that 555,000 students were physically punished in the schools during this school year. Although such punishment has been regarded as an effective method of discipline by those who apply it, the findings are obvious that physical punishment does not work and that children who are victims of physical punishment are subject to potential long-term physical and emotional damage. [br] The passage does NOT discuss that many youth become victims of_____.
B、family violence
C、TV violence
D、school violence
主旨大意题。本文结构可分为四部分:第1段和第2段总起,指出论题;第二部分讨论murder等严重暴力;第三部分即第5段讨论TV violence;第四部分即最后一段讨论学校里的体罚,也就是school violence。因此只有选项B没有在文中讨论。
关于图书重印的要求,说法正确的有( )等。A.首先要查验出版合同 B.可由发
A.一般不得超过7日用量 B.一般不得超过5日用量 C.一般不得超过3日用量
胸膜病变可能引起的淋巴结肿大是A.耳后区淋巴结 B.颈深淋巴结下群 C.腋窝
参与第一心音的形成,下列错误的是A.三尖瓣关闭时的振动 B.半月瓣开放的振动
与甲状腺功能亢进症的病情呈平行关系的指标是A.突眼程度 B.胫前水肿程度 C