[originaltext]M: Did you buy any of the sweaters that were on sale?W: Buy any?

游客2024-01-26  9

M: Did you buy any of the sweaters that were on sale?
W: Buy any? I got five of them. They were such a good bargain.
Q: What does the woman say about the sweaters?
W: We’ve opened the first box. Look! Some of these books are soaked.
M: They should’ve used waterproof wrappings. What are we going to do about it? It’s too late to order replacements.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、One box of books is found missing.
B、Some of the boxes arrived too late.
C、Replacements have to be ordered.
D、Some of the books are damaged.

答案 D

解析 女士说第一个箱子里的一些书都浸湿了,男士说他们应该用防水包装的,现在再购买替代品已经晚了。由此可知,一些书已经毁坏掉了,故本题答案为D)。