[originaltext]M: Did you buy any of the sweaters that were on sale?W: Buy any?

游客2024-01-26  7

M: Did you buy any of the sweaters that were on sale?
W: Buy any? I got five of them. They were such a good bargain.
Q: What does the woman say about the sweaters?
M: You must have left the camera in the market. It’s a very expensive camera you know.
W: But I tell you that I didn’t take it. I remember clearly that you put it on the dressing table.
Q: What does the woman say about the camera?

选项 A、It must be missing.
B、It was left in the room.
C、The man took it to the market.
D、She placed it on the dressing table.

答案 B

解析 男士说女士一定将照相机落在集市里了,女士说她清晰地记得男士把它放在梳妆台上了。由此可知,女士认为照相机被落在房间里了,故本题答案为B)。