[originaltext]W: The market is becoming really more and more competitive.M: Ex

游客2024-01-25  5

W: The market is becoming really more and more competitive.
M: Exactly. So we must know how things stand with us and do something to keep our lead.
W: We’d better look at the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats we have. First, it is obvious that our main competitive advantage is our range of products.(13)Our software packages are perceived as the most user-friendly on the market, requiring much less training than those of our competitors and representing better value for money. So all in all, we have got an excellent product.
M: I think our strength also lies in another thing, which is our staff.
W: You mean...
M: I mean the after-sales side.
W: Yeah, our after-sales team is faster, more qualified and more efficient.
M: How do you analyze our weakness?
W:(14)I think our problem is that we have a strong product but we haven’t achieved the sort of market penetration we should have.
M: That’s because our marketing isn’t so effective as our competitors’.(14)We’ve relied too heavily on product quality, not enough on promotion.
W: I agree. So from now on, we have to put more effort into our advertising. And we actually have the opportunity to dominate the market of small business user market but we are clearly not taking it.
M: We should take effective measures to dominate the market.(15)Look at Collin company. It has got a much impressive dealer network and its promotion is more sophisticated than ours.
W: So, we still have a tough job to do.
13. What is one advantage of the speakers’ company?
14. What disadvantage is the speakers’ company faced with?
15. What does the man think of Collin company?

选项 A、It has the largest market share at present.
B、Its products are easy to use and cost-effective.
C、It is superior to its competitors in technology.
D、Its productivity is much more effective.

答案 B

解析 事实细节题。本题问的是讲话者公司的优势。女士提到,公司既有优势也有劣势,既有机遇也有威胁。其中优势有很多方面,包括产品种类丰富、产品易用、不需要太多培训、物有所值、产品售后服务好等。