[originaltext]W: I’m going to leave work early today. There’s a debate this eve

游客2024-01-25  12

W: I’m going to leave work early today. There’s a debate this evening at 6 o’clock. So I’m going to get an early dinner and head over there.
M: Who’s debating about what?
W: The two candidates for the states senate are going to answer questions from reporters. The Daily News is sponsoring the event. Members of the audience will also have a chance to ask questions, so maybe I’ll speak, too.
M: Oh, so you’re interested in politics. Are you helping one of them?
W: No, I just want to learn more about the candidates so I can make an informed decision.
M: Well, I don’t think I’ll be voting, so I guess I won’t bother with that.
W: Why aren’t going to vote?
M: Oh, My one vote doesn’t matter.
W: Sure it does!
M: Well, besides that I don’t think any of the politicians these days represent my ideas. I’d like to see the government support guaranteed loans for people who start small businesses. I’ve wanted to open my own bakery for years and I can’t get a loan.
W: You know what? That’s one of the issues they’ll probably discuss tonight. One of the candidates wants tax breaks for large companies. He says that will create more jobs. The other candidate owns a restaurant. She wants to start programmes to promote more small businesses.
M: Hmm. What do you know? Maybe I should show up there myself.
Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
9. Why is the woman going to the debate?
10. What reason does the man give for not voting?
11. According to the woman, what is an important issue in the upcoming election?
12. What will the man probably do?

选项 A、The news coverage of debates.
B、The election process for representatives.
C、The way government supports business.
D、The amount of money used for campaigns.

答案 C

解析 对话中男士说他看到政府支持贷款建小型企业,他想开面包店但总是拿不到贷款;女士接着说That’s one of the issues they’ll probably discuss tonight,由此可知,今晚的议题将会提到男士所抱怨的贷款问题,故答案为C)。