[originaltext]W: I’m fascinated with them. I often read the stories about their

游客2024-01-25  6

W: I’m fascinated with them. I often read the stories about their lives and their hobbies.
M: Why should we care about celebrities? When they were born, they were no different than any of us. Just because they have a camera on them doesn’t mean that they have to be ideal citizens.
W: I think many celebrities have fascinating stories, and to read these stories can be very inspirational. They forever inspire us to achieve more.
M: So you hold celebrities as your role models?
W: Yes. But celebrities definitely should consider how their behaviour will be seen by those who have chosen them as a role model.
M: But don’t you think celebrities also make us spend money? I mean we have to follow their lavish lifestyles.
W: Although I may be fascinated with celebrities’ lifestyles, I stop short of imitating them.
M: I think it’s all right to have a normal interest in actors and artists we’re fond of, but if you know more about Britney Spears than your next-door neighbour, you need help.
W: I think too that the most important people in our lives should be our friends and family. But celebrities do keep us entertained whether it is sports, music or movies.
M: The entertainment value cannot be emphasised enough, but celebrities shouldn’t be such a big deal so that we are totally obsessed with them.
Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
13. What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?
14. According to the man, which statement is not true?
15. What do the man and the woman agree most on?

选项 A、She imitates the lifestyles of celebrities.
B、She gets inspiration from celebrities.
C、She doesn’t hold celebrities as role models.
D、She has no interest in celebrities.

答案 B

解析 对话中女士一开始说自己经常关注名流的生活和兴趣,接着说从这些名流的故事中可以得到鼓励,故答案为B)。