[originaltext]M: Did you watch that horror film on TV last night?W: No, we don

游客2024-01-25  4

M: Did you watch that horror film on TV last night?
W: No, we don’t watch TV any more. As a matter of fact, I’m thinking of getting rid of our set.
M: Whatever for? Don’t your family like TV?
W: That’s not the point.(13)I’ve come to the conclusion that TV has a thoroughly bad effect on family life. The kids play at their homework because they have got one eye on the clock in case they miss their favorite program, and we eat all our meals on our knees.
M: But don’t you think some of the programs are very interesting?
W: Occasionally, yes, but most of the time, they’re rubbish. They’re either idiotic comedies that are an insult to the intelligence, or the sort of films—sex and violence and that kind of thing—that I don’t want my children to watch. It only encourages their aggressive instincts and makes them look down upon authority.
M: I’m afraid I don’t altogether agree with you. Too much television is bad, I grant you,(14)but I think it teaches children a great many things they’d never have the chance to learn any other way—what’s going on in the world and how people live in other countries, and some of the popular science programs are fascinating.
W: Oh, what’s the time?
M: 6:30. Why?
W: Well,(15)there’s a program on TV I rather want to see—a Western actually. They’re folk culture. It starts at 7:00. I really must go. Nice to have seen you.
13. Why does the woman think of getting rid of their TV set?
14. What does the man think of TV programs?
15. What can we learn about the woman?

选项 A、She can’t find any interesting programs.
B、She will tell her family the bad effects of TV set.
C、She won’t watch any TV program any more.
D、She can’t totally get rid of her TV set.

答案 D

解析 推理判断题。本题问的是我们能了解到关于女士的什么信息。对话中,女上认为看电视影响了他们的生活,但对话末尾女士问男士时间后表示,她要回家看电视了,那是一个她非常喜欢看的关于西部文化的节目。由此可知,女士虽然认为看电视影响了他们的生活,但是她还是忍不住去看电视。综合上述信息可以推断,女士不可能完全摆脱电视。